I was elected to the Decatur City Commission in 2009 and have served as Mayor since 2016.
- Currently serve as Chair of the Board of the National Civic League and on the Board of the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) and as a member of the Federal Policy Council, the Environmental and Natural Resources Committee and serve as District 3 East VP of the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA)
- Recently appointed to the GMA Equity and Inclusion Commission
- Currently serve on the Community Resources Committee and the Local Leadership Housing Action Committee at the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), Welcoming America’s One Region Initiative Steering Committee, and New American Pathways’ Advisory Council.
- Graduate of Leadership DeKalb and the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Leadership Institute. Served as Honorary Chair of the Islamic Speaker’s Bureau 2019 Gala which honored Women of Influence and now serve on the ISB Advisory Council.
- Taught nutrition, provided nutrition counseling services, and worked as a Clinical Dietitian at Georgia State University and Emory University Health Services. I am especially interested in health policy, particularly related to access to healthy foods, equity, environmental policies, active lifestyles and the role of local government in fostering healthy, equitable and vibrant communities
- After living in Oakhurst for 18 years, my husband, Gary, and I moved to Winnona Park in 2019. I have three sons who live with their spouses and families in Asheville, NC, Washington DC and Managua, Nicaragua.