East Lake MARTA Station LCI Study

A revised draft of the East Lake MARTA Station LCI Study, responsive to neighboring concerns voiced during an additional round of community input meetings, is now complete and ready for review in advance of consideration by Decatur’s Planning Commission and City Commission.

Read about the changes that occurred and access the final document:


The revised draft is the final draft that will be presented to the Planning Commission on August 14. The City Commission will consider it on August 20.

Charge Your Electric Vehicle in Decatur

New EV Charging Stations have been installed in Harmony Park and in parking circle next to City Hall. Two hours free parking and charging is available in Oakhurst; downtown charging is free but parking fees apply. A Chargepoint card is required. Thanks to our Environmental Sustainability Board and partners Georgia Power, Charge Point, EV Club of the South and Clean Cities Georgia.                    

July 4: City Independence Day Celebrations

Wednesday, July 4

Pied Piper Parade 6pm

Concert on the Square featuring the Callanwolde Concert Band  7pm

Fireworks at dark (around 9pm)

Celebrate July 4 in Decatur! Parade line up at First Baptist Church at 5:30pm. Join friends, family and neighbors and walk, bike or skate – anyone and everyone can participate! Those with vehicles need to register with Shirley Baylis: [email protected]

IMPORTANT Recycling News

Beginning July 2, the City of Decatur Sanitation department will be collecting recycling. We will no longer be using a private contractor to provide this service.

What does this mean for you?

Your recycling collection will remain on the same day as your scheduled sanitation day. Please continue to separate your glass recycling from the comingled recyclables. See below for what can and cannot be recycled.

Potential Impacts

While your collection day remains the same, the time when your recycling is collected may change.  . Please be patient during the transition period. If your recycling has not been picked up by 3:30 pm on your recycling collection day, please contact the Public Works Department at 404-377-5571 or [email protected].

Glass Recycling Bins

All glass must now be placed in a red recycling bin. You may use your existing red bin or request one by contacting the Public Works Department at 404-377-5571 or [email protected].     

Aug 1: School Starts!

Wednesday, Aug 1

School starts

 . . . which is great reminder for everyone to inspect the bushes, shrubs and grass around sidewalks and trim back/ clean sidewalks so students can safely walk to school.

Aug 11: Decatur BBQ Blues & Bluegrass Festival

Saturday, August 11; 2-9pm; Harmony Park

Decatur BBQ Blues & Bluegrass Festival

Kids 12 and under are free

2pm – 9pm

The 18th annual Decatur BBQ Blues & Bluegrass festival will be held Saturday, August 11th, 2018 from 2pm – 9pm. Once again we will bring the sights, sounds, and smells of classic southern BBQ from metro Atlanta staples along with 7+ hours of original live blues and bluegrass music from aspiring and accomplished local/regional/and national acts to Decatur, Georgia in the heart of Oakhurst. This is a family friendly event that is fun for all ages


630 East Lake Drive & Harmony Park is adjacent to the intersection of East Lake Drive and Oakview Road, in beautiful downtown Oakhurst.

Benefits the Community Center of South Decatur and provides grants to other non-profits in the community.

For tickets and to see the band line up:


I hope to see you there!

Decatur Named an All-American City

Happy July 4thWeek!

And Congratulations to the City of Decatur for being named an All America City by the National Civic League. Since 1949, the National Civic League has recognized and celebrated the best in American civic innovation with the prestigious All-America City Award. The Award, bestowed yearly on 10 communities (more than 500 in all) recognizes the work of communities in using inclusive civic engagement to address critical issues and create stronger connections among residents, businesses and nonprofit and government leaders. The City of Decatur was recognized for the Better Together Initiative that resulted in the BT Community Action Plan for Inclusion, Equity and Engagement; Community Policing; and the I Am Decatur photographic/essay project created by resident Beate Sasse.  To find out more and see other cities that received the award this year:


To view the presentation visit https://www.facebook.com/decaturga/

Aug 28: DBA Meeting

Tuesday, Aug 28

August Decatur Business Association Meeting

August 28, 2018  5:15 pm – 7:00 pm

Location TBA