Monday, December 27-Saturday, January 8
Christmas Tree Recycling
Legacy Park in designated areas
Decatur's Priorities are Patti's Priorities.
Monday, December 27-Saturday, January 8
Christmas Tree Recycling
Legacy Park in designated areas
Coming in January:
Tuesday, January 25: State of the City
Decatur has kicked off its Clean Energy Planning Process and we need your input as we develop strategies to address climate change. Please mark your calendars to participate:
Decatur Clean Energy Roundtable 2: Clean Energy and Economy
January 19, 2022
6-7:30 p.m.
Link Here:
Decatur Clean Energy Roundtable 3: The Built Environment
February 24, 2022
6-7:30 p.m.
Link Here:
Visit to learn more about this initiative and get involved in shaping Decatur’s clean energy future.
Work is about to begin on the Pedestrian Safety and Bicycle Trail Improvements on Clairemont Avenue, Commerce Drive and Church Street. The best way to stay informed about progress on this project is to sign up for Decatur Makeover, so that you can receive regular updates about this and other construction activities in Decatur. Here is information about the project.
You can sign up for Decatur Makeover here.
The city of Decatur is updating its Tree Canopy Conservation Ordinance. Please take a look at the information from the City Commission work session:
If you have not provided input, please send any comments to [email protected]
This will be discussed at the December 6, 2021 City Commission meeting.
The Better Together Advisory Board and the city of Decatur will wrap up the 2021 Anti-Racism Speaker series with a conversation with Robin Rue Simmons. Join the conversation on Wednesday, Dec 8 at 6pm. For more information:
Be sure to check the website for holiday schedules for Trash and Recycling!
The City Commission approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Decatur Housing Authority to provide affordable housing units in the South Village at Legacy Park. Additional information can be found in this article in Decaturish by Zoe Seiler:
It’s not too late to participate in Decatur’s Season of Giving/Christmas Decatur to help provide happy holidays for Decatur’s children and senior citizens. Funds will be used to provide gift cards for parents for their children and gifts for seniors will be purchased based on gift lists. Visit and designate your donation for Season of Giving
Friday, Saturday October 1-2: Amplify My Community
Saturday, October 2: 16th Annual AJC Decatur Book Festival
Saturday, Sunday, October 2-3: Artists Market
Saturday, October 9: Porchfest
Saturday, October 16: Madison Avenue Soapbox Derby