Finding Our Courage

At the recent “virtual” Atlanta Regional Commission’s annual State of the Region “breakfast” meeting, I noted some take away messages that I wanted to share. This year’s theme was “Finding Our Courage” and as we look forward to 2021, we realize that the challenges and fatigue that we are experiencing are going to continue for now. Each year as part of the event, ARC presents “ Atlanta Metro Speaks” and the top 3 issues confronting the region this year identified by survey participants are: Public Health; Racial Inequality; and the Economy. I cannot ever remember a time when Public Health even made the top 5.

So as we all continue to “Find our Courage”, I hope you will continue to stay safe, wear a mask and wash hands. Our collective community depends on our individual actions. My hope is that you and your families have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, even though it may be at a distance this year.